Команды на сервере


Активный участник
Все кто сюда зайдет и знает какиета команды то пишити я потом добавлю!


Активный участник
Kirov City
["/"] = "Global server chat.",
["000"] = "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!",
["112"] = "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!",
["911"] = "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!",
["999"] = "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!",
["a"] = "Global server chat.",
["addagenda"] = "Add a line of text to the agenda.",
["addjailpos"] = "Add a jail position where you're standing.",
["addlaw"] = "Add a law to the laws board.",
["addmoney"] = "Add money to a player's wallet.",
["addowner"] = "Invite someone to co-own the door you're looking at.",
["addspawn"] = "Add a spawn position for some job (use the command name of the job as argument)",
["advert"] = "Displays an advertisement to everyone in chat.",
["agenda"] = "Set the agenda.",
["ao"] = "Invite someone to co-own the door you're looking at.",
["arrest"] = "Forcefully arrest a player.",
["assasin"] = "Become Ассасин.",
["automeh"] = "Become Автомастер.",
["bankir"] = "Become Банкир.",
["bit"] = "Become Битмайнер.",
["broadcast"] = "Broadcast something as a mayor.",
["buis"] = "Become Бизнесмен.",


Активный участник
Kirov City
["buy"] = "Buy a pistol",
["buyaluminium_zmlab"] = "Purchase a Алюминий",
["buyammo"] = "Purchase ammo",
["buyarmor"] = "Purchase a Броня [VIP]",
["buyastation"] = "Purchase a Броне станция",
["buybakingsoda"] = "Purchase a Пищевая сода",
["buybattery"] = "Purchase a Аккумулятор",
["buybitminerextension"] = "Purchase a Удлинитель",
["buybitminerfuel"] = "Purchase a Топливо",
["buybitminergenerator"] = "Purchase a Генератор",
["buybitminerpowerlead"] = "Purchase a Кабель питания",
["buybitminerrack"] = "Purchase a Склад для сервера",
["buybitminerserver"] = "Purchase a Сервер",
["buybitminersone"] = "Purchase a Битмайнер S1",
["buybitminerstwo"] = "Purchase a Битмайнер S2",
["buybucket"] = "Purchase a Ведро",
["buycamera"] = "Purchase a Камера",
["buycocainebox"] = "Purchase a Коробка для кокаина",
["buycollectcrate_zmlab"] = "Purchase a Транспортный ящик",
["buycombiner_zmlab"] = "Purchase a Объединитель",
["buydryingrack"] = "Purchase a Сушилка",
["buyextractor"] = "Purchase a Экстрактор кокаина",
["buyfilter_zmlab"] = "Purchase a Газовый фильтр",
["buyfrezzer_zmlab"] = "Purchase a Камера замораживания",
["buygas"] = "Purchase a Канистра с газом",
["buygovno"] = "Purchase a Какашки",
["buyhallogenvape"] = "Purchase a Галлюцинационый Vape [VIP]",
["buyhealth"] = "Purchase a Аптечка [VIP]",
["buyigromat50"] = "Purchase a Казино - 50/50",
["buyigromatfortune"] = "Purchase a Казино - Колесо удачи",
["buyigromatslots"] = "Purchase a Казино - Слоты",
["buyleaves"] = "Purchase a Листья",
["buymetaldetector"] = "Purchase a Металлодетектор",
["buymethylamin_zmlab"] = "Purchase a Метиламин",
["buypicture"] = "Purchase a Картина",
["buyplateupgrade"] = "Purchase a Варочная панель",
["buypot"] = "Purchase a Кастрюля",
["buyradio"] = "Purchase a Радио",
["buyrandomcolorvape"] = "Purchase a Разноцветный Vape [VIP]",
["buyshipment"] = "Buy a shipment",
["buystation"] = "Purchase a Хил станция",
["buystove"] = "Purchase a Плита",
["buytvlarge"] = "Purchase a Большой телевизор",
["buytvsmall"] = "Purchase a Телевизор",
["buyvehicle"] = "Buy a vehicle",
["buywape"] = "Purchase a Вейп",
["buywaters"] = "Purchase a Бутылка воды",
["buyzwf_backmix_brownie"] = "Purchase a Брауни Микс",
["buyzwf_backmix_muffin"] = "Purchase a Маффин микс",
["buyzwf_mixer"] = "Purchase a Миксер",
["buyzwf_oven"] = "Purchase a Духовка",
["call"] = "Позвонить игроку",
["channel"] = "Tune into a radio channel.",
["chemicgangster"] = "Become Наркодилер.",
["chief"] = "Become Начальник полиции and skip the vote.",
["citizen"] = "Become Гражданин.",
["cook"] = "Become Повар.",
["coop"] = "Become Офицер Полиции.",
["cr"] = "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!",
["credits"] = "Send the DarkRP credits to someone.",
["demote"] = "Demote a player from their job",


Активный участник
Kirov City
["demotelicense"] = "Start a vote to get someone's license revoked.",
["doge"] = "Become Собака.",
["domon"] = "Become Медик спецназа.",
["donatebox"] = "Purchase a Коробка пожертвований",
["dps"] = "Become Офицер ДПС.",
["dropmoney"] = "Drop money on the floor.",
["egangster"] = "Become Элитный Бандит.",
["f_printer"] = "Purchase a Денежный принтер",
["fbi"] = "Become Агент FBI.",
["forcecancelvote"] = "Forcefully cancel a vote.",
["forcelock"] = "Force the door you're looking at to be locked. This is saved.",
["forceown"] = "Forcefully make someone own the door you're looking at.",
["forceremoveowner"] = "Forcefully remove an owner from the door you're looking at.",
["forcerpname"] = "Forcefully change a player's RP name",
["forceunlock"] = "Force the door you're looking at to be unlocked. This is saved.",
["forceunown"] = "Forcefully remove any owners from the door you're looking at.",
["forceunownall"] = "Force a player to unown all the doors and vehicles they have.",
["freerpname"] = "Remove a RP name from the database so a player can use it",
["g"] = "Group chat.",
["gangster"] = "Become Бандит.",
["give"] = "Give money to the player you're looking at.",
["givelicense"] = "Give someone a gun license",
["giveradio"] = "Grant a player the ability to use their police radio.",
["grabitel"] = "Become Грабитель.",
["gundealer"] = "Become Продавец оружия.",
["hacker"] = "Become Хакер.",
["hobo"] = "Become Бездомный.",
["hoboo"] = "Become Глава бездомных.",
["jaga"] = "Become Джаггернаут.",
["jailpos"] = "Reset jail positions and create a new one at your position.",
["job"] = "Change your job name",
["jobswitch"] = "Switch jobs with the player you're looking at",
["killer"] = "Become Наемный убийца.",
["lockdown"] = "Start a lockdown. Everyone will have to stay inside.",
["lottery"] = "Start a lottery.",
["makeshipment"] = "Create a shipment from a dropped weapon.",
["mayor"] = "Become Мэр and skip the vote.",
["me"] = "Chat roleplay to say you're doing things that you can't show otherwise.",
["medic"] = "Become Врач.",
["medrequest"] = "Вызвать медика",
["metik"] = "Become Варщик мета.",
["mobboss"] = "Become Глава бандитов.",
["moneydrop"] = "Drop money on the floor.",
["murder"] = "Become Маньяк.",
["name"] = "Set your RP name",
["narko"] = "Become Гровер.",
["nick"] = "Set your RP name",
["nonrp"] = "Become Администрация.",
["ohotr"] = "Become Охотник на собак.",
["omon"] = "Become Спецназ.",
["ooc"] = "Global server chat.",
["parkour"] = "Become Паркурист.",
["phone_decline"] = "Ответить на звонок",
["phone_reply"] = "Ответить на звонок",
["placelaws"] = "Place a laws board.",
["pm"] = "Send a private message to someone.",
["price"] = "Set the price of the microwave or gunlab you're looking at",
["radio"] = "Say something through the radio.",
["removelaw"] = "Remove a law from the laws board.",
["removeletters"] = "Remove all of your letters.",
["removeowner"] = "Remove an owner from the door you're looking at.",
["removeradio"] = "Remove a player's ability to use their police radio.",
["removespawn"] = "Remove a spawn position for some job (use the command name of the job as argument)",
["requestlicense"] = "Request a gun license.",
["requestmed"] = "Вызвать медика",
["resetlaws"] = "Reset all laws.",
["ringtone"] = "Сменить мелодию звонка",
["ro"] = "Remove an owner from the door you're looking at.",
["roll"] = "Кинуть кубик.",
["rpname"] = "Set your RP name",
["rspecnaz"] = "Become Командир спецназа and skip the vote.",
["sec"] = "Become Охрана.",
["sellalldoors"] = "Sell all of your doors.",
["sendpos"] = "Отправить местоположение",
["setjailpos"] = "Reset jail positions and create a new one at your position.",
["setlicense"] = "Forcefully give a player a license.",
["setmoney"] = "Set a player's wallet value.",
["setprice"] = "Set the price of the microwave or gunlab you're looking at",
["setspawn"] = "Reset the spawn position for some job and place a new one at your position (use the command name of the job as argument)",
["shpion"] = "Become Шпион.",
["somon"] = "Become Снайпер спецназа.",
["splitshipment"] = "Split the shipment you're looking at.",
["statvipvorom"] = "Become Умелый Вор.",
["store"] = "Become Торговец.",
["stove"] = "Purchase a Кухонная плита",
["switchjob"] = "Switch jobs with the player you're looking at",
["switchjobs"] = "Switch jobs with the player you're looking at",
["taxi"] = "Вызвать такси",
["taxis"] = "Become Таксист.",
["teamban"] = "Ban someone from getting a certain job",
["teamunban"] = "Undo a teamban",
["terror"] = "Become Террорист.",
["title"] = "Set the title of the door you're looking at.",
["togglegroupownable"] = "Set this door group ownable.",
["toggleoff_phone"] = "Выключить телефон",
["toggleon_phone"] = "Включить телефон",
["toggleown"] = "Own or unown the door you're looking at.",
["toggleownable"] = "Toggle ownability status on this door.",
["toggleteamownable"] = "Toggle this door ownable by a given team.",
["torglavka"] = "Purchase a Торговая лавка",
["type"] = "Type a letter.",
["unarrest"] = "Forcefully unarrest a player.",
["unlockdown"] = "Stop a lockdown.",
["unownalldoors"] = "Sell all of your doors.",
["unsetlicense"] = "Forcefully revoke a player's license.",
["unwanted"] = "Remove a player's wanted status.",
["unwarrant"] = "Remove a search warrant for a certain player. With a warrant you can search their house.",
["vor"] = "Become Вор.",
["votechief"] = "Vote to become Начальник полиции.",
["votemayor"] = "Vote to become Мэр.",
["voterspecnaz"] = "Vote to become Командир спецназа.",
["w"] = "Say something in whisper voice.",
["wanted"] = "Make a player wanted. This is needed to get them arrested.",
["warrant"] = "Get a search warrant for a certain player. With this warrant you can search their house.",
["write"] = "Write a letter.",
["y"] = "Yell something out loud.",


Активный участник
["demotelicense"] = "Start a vote to get someone's license revoked.",
["doge"] = "Become Собака.",
["domon"] = "Become Медик спецназа.",
["donatebox"] = "Purchase a Коробка пожертвований",
["dps"] = "Become Офицер ДПС.",
["dropmoney"] = "Drop money on the floor.",
["egangster"] = "Become Элитный Бандит.",
["f_printer"] = "Purchase a Денежный принтер",
["fbi"] = "Become Агент FBI.",
["forcecancelvote"] = "Forcefully cancel a vote.",
["forcelock"] = "Force the door you're looking at to be locked. This is saved.",
["forceown"] = "Forcefully make someone own the door you're looking at.",
["forceremoveowner"] = "Forcefully remove an owner from the door you're looking at.",
["forcerpname"] = "Forcefully change a player's RP name",
["forceunlock"] = "Force the door you're looking at to be unlocked. This is saved.",
["forceunown"] = "Forcefully remove any owners from the door you're looking at.",
["forceunownall"] = "Force a player to unown all the doors and vehicles they have.",
["freerpname"] = "Remove a RP name from the database so a player can use it",
["g"] = "Group chat.",
["gangster"] = "Become Бандит.",
["give"] = "Give money to the player you're looking at.",
["givelicense"] = "Give someone a gun license",
["giveradio"] = "Grant a player the ability to use their police radio.",
["grabitel"] = "Become Грабитель.",
["gundealer"] = "Become Продавец оружия.",
["hacker"] = "Become Хакер.",
["hobo"] = "Become Бездомный.",
["hoboo"] = "Become Глава бездомных.",
["jaga"] = "Become Джаггернаут.",
["jailpos"] = "Reset jail positions and create a new one at your position.",
["job"] = "Change your job name",
["jobswitch"] = "Switch jobs with the player you're looking at",
["killer"] = "Become Наемный убийца.",
["lockdown"] = "Start a lockdown. Everyone will have to stay inside.",
["lottery"] = "Start a lottery.",
["makeshipment"] = "Create a shipment from a dropped weapon.",
["mayor"] = "Become Мэр and skip the vote.",
["me"] = "Chat roleplay to say you're doing things that you can't show otherwise.",
["medic"] = "Become Врач.",
["medrequest"] = "Вызвать медика",
["metik"] = "Become Варщик мета.",
["mobboss"] = "Become Глава бандитов.",
["moneydrop"] = "Drop money on the floor.",
["murder"] = "Become Маньяк.",
["name"] = "Set your RP name",
["narko"] = "Become Гровер.",
["nick"] = "Set your RP name",
["nonrp"] = "Become Администрация.",
["ohotr"] = "Become Охотник на собак.",
["omon"] = "Become Спецназ.",
["ooc"] = "Global server chat.",
["parkour"] = "Become Паркурист.",
["phone_decline"] = "Ответить на звонок",
["phone_reply"] = "Ответить на звонок",
["placelaws"] = "Place a laws board.",
["pm"] = "Send a private message to someone.",
["price"] = "Set the price of the microwave or gunlab you're looking at",
["radio"] = "Say something through the radio.",
["removelaw"] = "Remove a law from the laws board.",
["removeletters"] = "Remove all of your letters.",
["removeowner"] = "Remove an owner from the door you're looking at.",
["removeradio"] = "Remove a player's ability to use their police radio.",
["removespawn"] = "Remove a spawn position for some job (use the command name of the job as argument)",
["requestlicense"] = "Request a gun license.",
["requestmed"] = "Вызвать медика",
["resetlaws"] = "Reset all laws.",
["ringtone"] = "Сменить мелодию звонка",
["ro"] = "Remove an owner from the door you're looking at.",
["roll"] = "Кинуть кубик.",
["rpname"] = "Set your RP name",
["rspecnaz"] = "Become Командир спецназа and skip the vote.",
["sec"] = "Become Охрана.",
["sellalldoors"] = "Sell all of your doors.",
["sendpos"] = "Отправить местоположение",
["setjailpos"] = "Reset jail positions and create a new one at your position.",
["setlicense"] = "Forcefully give a player a license.",
["setmoney"] = "Set a player's wallet value.",
["setprice"] = "Set the price of the microwave or gunlab you're looking at",
["setspawn"] = "Reset the spawn position for some job and place a new one at your position (use the command name of the job as argument)",
["shpion"] = "Become Шпион.",
["somon"] = "Become Снайпер спецназа.",
["splitshipment"] = "Split the shipment you're looking at.",
["statvipvorom"] = "Become Умелый Вор.",
["store"] = "Become Торговец.",
["stove"] = "Purchase a Кухонная плита",
["switchjob"] = "Switch jobs with the player you're looking at",
["switchjobs"] = "Switch jobs with the player you're looking at",
["taxi"] = "Вызвать такси",
["taxis"] = "Become Таксист.",
["teamban"] = "Ban someone from getting a certain job",
["teamunban"] = "Undo a teamban",
["terror"] = "Become Террорист.",
["title"] = "Set the title of the door you're looking at.",
["togglegroupownable"] = "Set this door group ownable.",
["toggleoff_phone"] = "Выключить телефон",
["toggleon_phone"] = "Включить телефон",
["toggleown"] = "Own or unown the door you're looking at.",
["toggleownable"] = "Toggle ownability status on this door.",
["toggleteamownable"] = "Toggle this door ownable by a given team.",
["torglavka"] = "Purchase a Торговая лавка",
["type"] = "Type a letter.",
["unarrest"] = "Forcefully unarrest a player.",
["unlockdown"] = "Stop a lockdown.",
["unownalldoors"] = "Sell all of your doors.",
["unsetlicense"] = "Forcefully revoke a player's license.",
["unwanted"] = "Remove a player's wanted status.",
["unwarrant"] = "Remove a search warrant for a certain player. With a warrant you can search their house.",
["vor"] = "Become Вор.",
["votechief"] = "Vote to become Начальник полиции.",
["votemayor"] = "Vote to become Мэр.",
["voterspecnaz"] = "Vote to become Командир спецназа.",
["w"] = "Say something in whisper voice.",
["wanted"] = "Make a player wanted. This is needed to get them arrested.",
["warrant"] = "Get a search warrant for a certain player. With this warrant you can search their house.",
["write"] = "Write a letter.",
["y"] = "Yell something out loud.",
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